In the current state our earth is in, we will need new, more efficient and environmentally wise energy sources. This is where renewable energy sources come into the picture. At the moment renewable energy is not widely used, however in future years, it will gradually be brought into the open market. Already solar energy is being used and wind farms are being built and developed in Australia and other countries. Hydro electricity has been used for many decades now and is being constantly upgraded with the developing research. One source of energy that isn't  as widely known and used is geothermal energy.

Geothermal energy is one of the many renewable energy sources that may in the future supply the world with generated electricity and heating. Our earth contains a very large amount of energy in the form of heat energy. This energy has the potential to be converted into electrical energy. There are three main types of power plant: dry steam, flash steam and binary-cycle. Each type uses geothermal energy but in slightly different ways.

On the next page you will learn about one of the types of heat generation: Dry Steam.